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Going Beyond the Back

Our team of chiropractic doctors are skilled at treating the whole body from the head to the toes. If you suffer from joint pain in the shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, knees or feet, then click below to learn how we can help:

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Going Beyond the Back

Our team of chiropractic doctors are skilled at treating the whole body from the head to the toes. If you suffer from joint pain in the shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, knees or feet, then click below to learn how we can help:

Complimentary Consultation

Your Back and Your Extremities are Interconnected

Your extremities are the joints that are located away from the center of the body such as the:

- Shoulders
- Elbows
- Wrists
- Hands and fingers
- Hips
- Knees
- Feet and toes
- TMJ (jaw)

We know how interconnected your body parts are. Our holistic philosophy addresses the WHOLE body by considering how independent parts affect one another. While you may be surprised that we treat issues beyond the spine, standard chiropractic training encompasses the entire body from head to toe. So, there are actually adjustments specific to your knees, wrists, shoulders and even toes! Our chiropractic doctors have furthered their education with additional training in treating extremities as we put a great deal of importance on it.

Man holding hurt hand
Man holding hurt ankle

If you're experiencing any foot pain, knee pain, hip pain, shoulder pain, elbow pain, wrist pain, carpal tunnel syndrome or TMJ pain, let us know!

Your complimentary consultation will give you the opportunity to discuss this with one of our expert chiropractors who specialize in extremity pain to see if you qualify for one of our treatment programs. Our doctors will help identify any hidden causes of your extremity pain and also determine if imbalances in your extremities could be causing back or neck problems.  

For example, having a dropped arch (flat foot) on one side of the body can cause an imbalance in your pelvis that can then cause back pain.

By identifying the source of the problem and treating the body holistically it increases the likelihood of sustainable relief.

Embracing Innovation

Our 3D laser foot scanner is an advanced technology that checks for imbalances that can affect body parts from top to bottom. Check out our patient's snapshot below! For some, we even construct a custom functional orthotic (shoe insert) to help balance the foot and the rest of the body.

diagram of a body analysis

Don't continue suffering from extremity pain. Schedule your free consultation today so we can identify the issue-and you can start healing.