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Want a natural solution to your headache pain?

Looking for a headache doctor who does more than recommend temporary solutions like pain meds that only mask the real issue? At BIBC, we specialize in treating headaches and headache pain naturally.

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Want a natural solution to your headache pain?

Looking for a headache doctor who does more than recommend temporary solutions like pain meds that only mask the real issue? At BIBC, we specialize in treating headaches and headache pain naturally.

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Your headaches can really be a pain in the neck!

Headaches can range from uncomfortable for some, to downright debilitating for others. Oftentimes, issues in the upper neck or jaw can be the real culprit of chronic headaches. Years of bad posture, sitting long periods, carrying heavy bags, sleeping in detrimental positions, and stress are all contributing factors.

Even straining your neck forward to look at that laptop or smartphone can cause the upper bones (vertebrae) of your neck to tighten and lose their intended range of motion.

Just as your foot would react after walking around in a shoe that’s a size too small, tight neck bones can become irritated and inflamed. The strain on your upper neck ultimately causes the transfer of pain to the head.

Man slouched over his desk with hands on his head

The good news is, these commonly overlooked sources of head pain can be treated naturally with our help. Patients love our holistic, comprehensive approach because it addresses your body from a broad perspective, which ironically helps us hone in and identify the real cause of your pain. Utilizing multiple healing disciplines like massage therapy and corrective exercise alongside chiropractic gives your body its best chance for optimal performance.

Recurring headaches demand more than self treating with over-the-counter drugs. Even for the ones that are bearable, getting to the root of the problem frees you up to heal properly and prevents more serious (and more painful) conditions from developing.

The hidden danger in your medicine cabinet!

For so many Americans, over the counter drugs are the weapon of choice in the fight against headaches. Not only do those drugs mask the underlying issue and diminish the opportunity for real healing, they also present risks of their own that most people overlook or are simply unaware of.

In 2015, the FDA strengthened its existing warning that the use of common over the counter drugs such as Advil or Motrin increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes, which can lead to death.* According to the FDA, this risk can be present even with short term usage. Other common drugs like aspirin and Tylenol pose potentially serious risks of their own.


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