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Chiropractor directing patient with Body in balance corrective exercise workouts

At BIBC, We Train You to Treat Your Body Right

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Once your body is ready, we’ll help you get back in action and on the road to peak posture AND performance.

Complimentary Consultation

At BIBC, We Train You to Treat Your Body Right

Once your body is ready, we’ll help you get back in action and on the road to peak posture AND performance.

Complimentary Consultation

Posture correction utilizes corrective exercise to restore your body’s natural and ideal alignment

At BIBC, our posture training program begins with your initial examination. We thoroughly review your case, identify your problem areas, and work together to create a plan of action ideal for your body, your schedule, and your goals.

We’ll assess your current level of pain and establish a balance that’s both gentle and challenging. We’ll also photograph your current posture and alignment so we can track progress. Once you’re consistently practicing your exercises, your body will begin to respond positively to those adjustments. That’s when the real fun begins!

The proof is in the pictures!

Using advanced technology, we’ll revisit your initial photograph to measure your progress. Like these real patient photos below, you’ll literally get to see how far you’ve come. This holds us all accountable (that means you, too), and ensures your treatments are actually working.

patient before and after posture correction

Our goal is to activate or “wake up” the key muscles necessary for proper posture. This, along with chiropractic adjustments to loosen tight parts of your spine, is what enables us to correct your posture.

Correcting improper movement is essential to real change. Adjustments and massages only provide temporary relief if your movement patterns aren’t addressed. Let us show you how interrupting poor posture patterns can break your cycle of pain.

patient before and after posture correction
patient before and after posture correction
patient before and after posture correction
patient before and after posture correction

Now that you have seen just how successful corrective exercise combined with chiropractic adjustments can be at restoring proper posture, discover how it works!

Dear Patients:

We’ve seen a distinct clinical difference between patients who take their training seriously and those who don’t. Not surprisingly, patients who consistently follow our guided training tend to have excellent results that last long term. As a by-product of maintaining their health, they also tend to encounter fewer overall problems in the future.